トーチカ / TOCHIKA

《PIKA PIKA》はペンライトで空中に絵を描き、シャッターを開放して映した光の軌跡の写真をつなぎ合わせたアニメーション作品です。今回はトーチカが感じ取った金沢という街の印象—人々が時代の変化を受け入れ、さらに工夫し、より多くの人々に受け入れられる様に加工しながら再生させている(1)—を大切に、街に暮らす人々とともにワークショップを行い、約3,000枚の写真を編集してつないだ一本のアニメーション作品《PIKA PIKA in KANAZAWA 2008》を作り上げました。いわゆる「金沢らしさ」が見られる場所を背景に、オバケが街を歩き回る(といっても足はなく)という、《PIKA PIKA》による、金沢の街歩きのような作品です。街の外向きの表情の最たるものをひがしの茶屋街でのロケとすれば、暮らしを大切にする内向きの表情は、オバケになった野球少年たちが、いつもの練習グラウンドで描いたオバケ野球のシーンでしょうか。本編に登場する一本一本の光の軌跡が、関わった人々の時間の長さと深さを示しています。[黒澤浩美]
“PIKA PIKA” is an animation in which photos of the loci of light made by moving penlights in midair and photographed with long exposures, are joined together. This time, “PIKA PIKA in KANAZAWA 2008” is another animation by TOCHKA, in which photos depicting the characteristic scenes of Kanazawa were taken, edited and joined together in a workshop, which they conducted together with local residents. Into this work, TOCHKA has put their impression of Kanazawa: local citizens accept the changes of the times and try to make Kanazawa an attractive place for more people.
“PIKA PIKA” is an animation in which photos of the loci of light made by moving penlights in midair and photographed with long exposures, are joined together. This time, “PIKA PIKA in KANAZAWA 2008” is another animation by TOCHKA, in which photos depicting the characteristic scenes of Kanazawa were taken, edited and joined together in a workshop, which they conducted together with local residents. Into this work, TOCHKA has put their impression of Kanazawa: local citizens accept the changes of the times and try to make Kanazawa an attractive place for more people.

ともに1978年生まれ、奈良県在住。ナガタタケシとモンノカヅエを中心にしたクリエイティブ・ユニット。映像作品《PIKA PIKA》で2006年にオタワ国際アニメーション映画祭特別賞、文化庁メディア芸術祭特別賞を続けて受賞。2008年にはクレルモンフェラン国際短編映画祭Labo部門でグランプリを受賞するなど、ワークショップを元に、人の関わりがあってはじめて映像が成立するという点で、《PIKA PIKA》はアニメーションの新しい境地を開いたともいえる作品である。
A creative unit of Nagata Takeshi and Monno Kazue (both of them were born in 1978 and live in Nara). Their animation film “PIKA PIKA” won both the special award at Ottawa 2006 International Animation Festival and the special award at the Japan Media Arts Festival of Agency for Cultural Affairs, Japan. In 2008, the unit also won the grand prize at Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival in France. The work “PIKA PIKA” has broken new ground in the field of animation in that an image comes into existence only when there is people’s involvement as in a workshop.
A creative unit of Nagata Takeshi and Monno Kazue (both of them were born in 1978 and live in Nara). Their animation film “PIKA PIKA” won both the special award at Ottawa 2006 International Animation Festival and the special award at the Japan Media Arts Festival of Agency for Cultural Affairs, Japan. In 2008, the unit also won the grand prize at Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival in France. The work “PIKA PIKA” has broken new ground in the field of animation in that an image comes into existence only when there is people’s involvement as in a workshop.