
© Kamin Lertchaiprasert

Kamin Lertchaiprasert shows interest in ref lecting directly on art people’s lifestyles and the value system as well as philosophy supporting them. In Kanazawa, he produces a project that questions the meaning of art through collaborating with many participants. Each participant brings his/her treasure to display in NTT Korinbo building that is likened to a museum. In addition, the words “31st Century Museum of Contemporary Spirit” are spelled out by arranging a group of people on the ground in the plaza of 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa. His ideal is seemingly Utopian, but rather reveals his attitude against traditional art or professional artworks.


カミン・ラーチャイプラサートは、タイ北部の都市チェンマイを活動拠点として、参加型、プロセス重視型の制作活動をしている。リクリット・ティラバーニャと共同で始めた《the land》プロジェクトは、自立したコミュニティのための解放された場の創出を狙いとする長期プロジェクトで、ライフワークとも呼べるもっとも重要な活動である。仏教思想を基に実験的な思索やライフスタイルの探求が行われ、有機農業、建築、美術展、レクチャーなどのほか、瞑想法やヨガ教室が開かれている。

Based in Chiang Mai in northern Thailand, Kamin Lertchaiprasert mostly makes participation- and process-oriented works. “the land,” a project that he co-started with Rirkrit Tiravanija is a long-term project, which aims to create a place open to the public in the independent community. It is a kind of his lifework and a very important work for him. There people pursue experimental thinking based on Buddhist thought and the study of lifestyles, as well as the activities such as organic farming, architecture, art exhibitions, lectures, courses of meditation and yoga.