21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa Presents

Dramatic! Bus Tour for High School Students

2019.9.22 (Sun.), 11.16 (Sat.), 12.15 (Sun.)



2019.9.22 (Sun.), 11.16 (Sat.), 12.15 (Sun.)
event date: 2019.9.22 (Sun.), 11.16 (Sat.), 12.15 (Sun.)


TOGA ART PARK of Toyama Prefecture, Hyogo Performing Arts Center, Niigata City Performing Arts Center “RYUTOPIA”

For More Information:

21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa
Phone: +81-76-220-2811 / Public Affairs Section


Watch a play and experience the human emotions that make life richer!
Another world awaits you inside a theater. There, performances by artists of all kinds erupt on stage and uplift audiences. To give high school students their first contact with the world of the performing arts, the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa has prepared a special tour ticket. Students not only see actual stage productions, they also visit backstage and, during the bus ride, listen to talks by artists and experts. This one-day tour exposes them fully to the wonder of the theater. Tours are free of charge (students pay for their own meals). Their destination—a life blessed with the richness of the performing arts. Get a “dramatic” experience like you have never known.


Organized by:

21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa (Kanazawa Art Promotion and Development Foundation)